SWUSITT is an organization of design, production,
and technology professionals, educators, and students.
The privacy policy for www.swusitt.org: SWUSITT maintains a website to communicate with its members and other visitors. SWUSITT is committed to respecting the privacy of all who visit www.swusitt.org and provides the following information about how data is gathered and used.
SWUSITT does not currently collect data about pages that are accessed, or the domains, browsers, and operating systems used to view these pages. Any information that may be obtained by a third party is collected to understand how often and which pages are being used, and to identify broken links.
Personal Information
Some transactions through the storefront require the collection of personal information, this information is encrypted and is not shared with third parties and is only used for the stated purpose for which it was obtained.
Contact Information
SWUSITT mailing lists are made available only to SWUSITT members or other related organizations. While it is imperative that SWUSITT keep accurate records of all current members, if a member does not wish to be contacted apart from Annual Meeting Notices, please contact Kevin Patrick, VP Communications to have your contact information withheld from marketing promotions.
External Links
The SWUSITT website contains links to other sites as a convenience. USITT is not responsible for content or privacy policies on any other sites, as is further disclosed through the website’s Terms of Use.
For questions regarding the content and practices of www.swusitt.org contact the Vice President for Communications or the President of the organization.
I do hereby certify that the above stated Non-Discrimination Policy for The United States Institute for Theatre Technology, Southwest Regional Section Inc. was approved and adopted by the board of directors on the date stated herein and constitutes a complete copy of the Non-Discrimination Policy of the corporation.
Responsible Party: President, VP Communications, Treasurer
Review: Every three years on or before September 1
George Curry
Kevin Patrick
Vice President Communications
Charles Page
Date of Approval/ Revision