SWUSITT is an organization of design, production,

and technology professionals, educators, and students.


Committee on Symposium Planning:

The Committee on Symposium Planning shall meet to offer guidance on planning of the annual winter symposium, resolve any issues with regards to planning, and setup that does not require a meeting of the board of directors.

2024 Planning Committee

Nathan Stanaland - Chair, V.P. for Programming
April Keith - President
Renee Brode - ​Director at Large
Mateo Ramirez - Student, Director At Large
                 - Student, Director At Large
Charles Page - Treasurer
Giovanni Salinas - V.P. Membership.
Jennifer Saxton ​- Secretary, Ex Officio

Committee on Membership:

The Committee on Membership shall meet to offer guidance on membership initiatives for the organization.

Giovanni Salinas - Chair, V.P. for Membership
April Keith - President

George Curry - ​Immediate Past President
              - Student, Director At Large
Jennifer Saxton ​- Secretary, Ex Officio

Committee on Diversity and Inclusion:

Uldarico Sarmientio, Chair - V.P. for Communications
April Keith - President

George Curry - ​Immediate Past President

Renee Brode - ​Director at Large

Lloyd Cracknell - Director at Large
DaMia Breathett ​- Director at Large
​Jennifer Saxton ​- Secretary, Ex Officio

The Chair of each committee should prepare a meeting/conference calendar for memebers in order to facilitate discussion and implementation of proposals.

The Nominations Committee should prepare an updated calendar of elections by year.

The Awards committee should prepare a schedule in preparation for rules amendments for symposium, and recommendations for yearly service awards, and resolutions.

The Symposium Planning committee will prepare a schedule to meet/conference no less than twice per month until the intial symposium schedule is presented Oct 1, Adjudicators Presented Nov 1, Revisions Dec 1. Additional meetings maybe required in weeks leading to Symposium and should be scheduled and planned by the chair of the committee.

There may be additional committees, or ad hoc committees created as the need arises.

Article VI – Committees, Section 1 Committees states:
"Committees of the organization shall be appointed, when practicable, by the President to serve for a one year term of office for the purposes herein designated. The following are the Standing Committees of the Section. Their size, composition, and the presidency shall be determined at the pleasure of the President. The President, during his/her tenure of office, shall have the authority to appoint Ad Hoc Committees Chairs."

​Any member wishing to offer service on a committee should contact the chair of the committee, or the President of the Board.


Committee on Nominations:

"The Committee on Nominations shall be responsible for selecting the annual slate of Officers and Directors to be voted on by the membership (Article V)."

George Curry - Chair, Immediate Past President
DaMia Beathett - Director at Large
Mateo Ramirez - Student Director at Large
April Keith - President, Chair Board of Directors
Charles Page - Treasurer
Jennifer Saxton - Secretary, Ex-Officio


Committee on Awards and Resolutions:

The Committee on Awards and Resolutions shall prepare nominations for annual awards presented by the organization; and resolve any dispute, in executive session, that may arise from any other award or potential award made in the name of the organization.

Charles Page - Chair, Treasurer
April Keith - President
Charles Page - V.P. for Development
Nathan Stanaland - V.P. Programming
George Curry - ​Immediate Past President
Jennifer Saxton - Secretary, Ex-Officio
Mateo Ramirez - Student, Director At Large

Committee on Communication:

The Committee on Communication shall meet to offer guidance on membership communication initiatives, branding and marketing for the organization.

Uldarico Sarmientio - Chair, V.P. for Communications
Mateo Ramirez - Student, Director At Large  
Renee Brode​- Director at Large
April Keith - President
DaMia Breathett - ​Director at Large
​Jennifer Saxton ​- Secretary, Ex Officio

Committee on Bylaws:

"The Committee on By-Laws shall be responsible to review and recommend amendments as necessary to the By-Laws"

April Keith, Chair - President, Chair BOD 
Jennifer Saxton - Secretary  
Lloyd Cracknell - Director at Large
DaMia Breathett - Director at Large
Charles Page - Treasurer​

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