SWUSITT is an organization of design, production,
and technology professionals, educators, and students.
Commercial Member:
A Commercial Member is any business, vendor or corporation organized under the rules of the IRS as a for profit corporation, that actively participates in and supports Theatre, Theatrical Design, Technology, Management or any subset of theatre scholarship or production. The membership dues of $150 (one hundred fifty dollars) annually entitles the representative of each Commercial Member:
The bylaws of the organization state: “The members of the organization shall consist of persons, corporations, partnerships, and unincorporated associations interested in furthering the arts and sciences of theatre… There shall be multiple classes of membership with varying rights and membership dues as the Board of Directors may designate from time to time. Each member shall be entitled to one vote.”
To that end SWUSITT has established the following classes of membership:
Individual Member:
An Individual Member is any individual, not acting on behalf of another organization or business; working in, or having an active interest in Theatre, Theatrical Design, Technology, Management, Marketing or any subset of theatre scholarship or production. The membership dues of $20 (twenty dollars) annually entitles each Individual Member to:
Organization Member:
An Organization Member is any entity or organization under the rules of the IRS as a non-profit organization, that actively participates in and supports Theatre, Theatrical Design, Technology, Management or any subset of theatre scholarship or production. The membership dues of $100 (One hundred dollars) annually entitle the representative of each Organization Member:
Student Member:
A Student Member shall be a current high school, undergraduate, graduate, or post graduate student enrolled in any interdisciplinary program of study that has an active interest in Theatre, Theatrical Design, Technology, Management, Marketing or any subset of theatre scholarship and production. The membership of $5 (five dollars) annually entitles each Student Member to: